Thursday, April 28, 2016

Mercy Johnson Enjoys A Swim With Her Husband And Kids (Photos)

The super talented Nollywood actress, Mercy Johnson just shared new photos of her family enjoying a swim. Her caption for one of the pics read:

    “Awesome God, we’re not perfect but we are happy. Any reason why he looks at me and I get shy? Hmmmm love is wantintin”

See more photos below…

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

My appreciation and apologies to all my fans – INI EDO

Celebrity Gist: Talented Nollywood Actress – Ini Edo who recently celebrated her 34 years birthday on (April 23rd) has hit 1 Million Instagram Followers.
Ini Edo looking Gorgeous

The actress who is overwhelmed took to her Instagram to express her joy and appreciation to all her fans and also apologized to them.

“I was going through my mentions and i must say am overwhelmed by the amount of love and prayers i got from really good people. All i can say is thank you.
I pray God in his infinite mercies grants all that your heart desires and may He celebrate you beyond your expectations in Jesus name amen.
I also wish to apologize to whoever i may have offended consciously or unconsciously over the years. To those who may have offended me, i forgive totally from the depth of my heart.
I begin this sphere of my life without any grudges or biase … I am eternally grateful to my God who has made me what i am today and is still in the process of doing so much more.
This is a beginning of a new journey. The good Lord is directing …. And testimonies abound.”v

HhhhhnnnnhhThank God for His blessings upon the life of this Star actress, Ini Edo. What words do you have for her?

Incapable de payer une dette de 100f, il assassine sa grande sœur

Photo d'archive

Incapable de payer une dette de 100f, il assassine sa grande sœur Triste fin pour dame Zila Honon. Elle a perdu la vie dans des conditions atroces, à en croire le confrère Soir Info. Tuée par son propre frère, Lohoré Bony, tout cela parce qu'il est incapable de solder auprès d'elle un crédit de 100f qu'il a contracté.

L'histoire se déroule dans le village de Godélilié, dans le département de Gagnoa, le 20 avril 2016. Dame Zila Honon vendeuse de "koutoukou", une boisson frelatée sauvagement alcoolisée, accorde un crédit de 100 fcfa de cette boisson à son petit frère, très friand du koutoukou qui est comme son passe temps.

Alors que ce dernier n'a pas encore payé sa dette de la journée, il vient dans la nuit sollicité un autre crédit de 100f de Koutoukou, dit-il, pour se rechauffer contre le froid provoqué par une forte pluie qui s'est abattue sur le village. Chose que la vendeuse va refuser, réclamant d'abord ses 100f du matin, avant d'accorder un nouveau crédit. Un acte qu'elle n'aurait pas posé si elle avait imaginé la suite des évènements.

L'ivrogne n'ayant apprécié le refus de sa soeur, va prendre du recul avant de revenir dans une colère noire, du reste incompréhensible. Il va la rouer sauvagement de coups de poings, sautant dans son ventre. Les supplications de son aînée ne l'ont point attendri. Le temps qu'accourent les voisins, il l'avait mise dans un état grave.

Évacuée au Chr de Gagnoa, les médecins n'auront pas le temps d'intervenir. Dame Zila Honon était déjà morte.

Papa wemba décède sur scène

Papa wemba décède sur scène

La deuxième grande scène du Festival des musiques urbaines d’Anoumabo (FEMUA) qui se tenait dans la nuit du samedi au dimanche à Abidjan, a été brusquement interrompue aux environs 5h30 (heure locale et Gmt), lors du passage de la star congolaise Papa Wemba, victime d’un malaise qui l’a affaissé en pleine prestation, a constaté l’Agence de Presse Africaine (APA) dans la capitale économique ivoirienne.

Papa Wemba, après ce show dans la capitale économique ivoirienne devrait se produire ce soir en compagnie de plusieurs autres artistes à Korhogo (633 km au Nord d'Abidjan) pour la clôture de cette 9ème édition du Festival des Musiques urbaines d'Anoumabo (FEMUA) placée sous le thème « Jeunesse et développement » avec le parrainage de l'ex-chef de l'Etat ivoirien Henri Konan Bédié.



enfants Un bébé se coince la tête et pend par le cou

Un bébé se coince la tête et pend par le cou

Un bébé de trois ans de Singapour est heureux de toujours être en vie après s'être coincé la tête dans une clôture et s'être accidentellement pendu par le cou hors de son appartement le 23 avril. Sa mère s'était absenté 15 minutes pour déposer son autre enfant à l'école. On croit que la gamine aurait tenté d'attraper un iPad qui est tombé du deuxième étage.

La vidéo montre la jeune fille tenter de se libérer. Des voisins l'auraient entendu crier et auraient tenté de venir en aide au bébé. Deux ouvriers ont secouru le bébé et ont reçu une médaille de bravoure.

He Hhhh

Saturday, April 23, 2016

clarion chukwurah @50 wedded her 3d long time boyf

Clarion Chukwurah weds her American based lover.

Yesterday (April 21), Veteran Nollywood Actress Clarion Chukwurah exchanged marital vows with her US based lover Anthony Boyd, at Georgia in USA.

The 51 year-old actress who shared this picture of her wedding on her Instagram rocked a white short dress, which was off shoulder and low back together with silver bag and silver earrings.

She is now experiencing her 3rd marriage. She was previously married MKO Abiola's younger brother - Tunde Abiola which ended in 2003. She later married A business man by name - Femi Odeneye.
It was also reported she had an affair with the popular Yoruba musician - Sir Shina Peters, with whom she had a son Clarence Peters.

Congrats to the couple! Wishing them a long lasting marriage.

Bientôt le procès de Simone Gb

La Cour suprême de Côte d’Ivoire a rejeté à nouveau ce jeudi le pourvoi en cassation introduit par Simone Gbagbo. Plus rien ne s’oppose à son retour devant la Cour d’Assises d’Abidjan, où elle sera jugée cette fois pour “crimes contre l’humanité”.

La Cour suprême a réitéré sa décision du 17 mars dernier, rejetant à nouveau le pourvoi en cassation introduit par Simone Gbagbo après l’accusation de « crimes contre l’humanité » formulée contre elle fin janvier. « La Cour a délibéré conformément à la loi et a décidé le rejet de la rétractation formulée par Mme Simone Gbagbo contre la décision du 17 mars 2016 », a déclaré le juge, lors d’une audience publique le  21 avril.

En mars la Cour avait déjà rejeté ce pourvoi au motif que le mémoire avait été déposé tardivement. Affirmant l’avoir déposé dans les temps, la défense de Simone Gbagbo avait saisie la Cour suprême une seconde fois. « Je suis fortement déçu », a déclaré  Me Rodrigue Dadjé, l’un de ses avocats à l’issue du verdict, dénonçant « une décision politique ». D’après l’avocat, le procès devant la Cour d’Assises d’Abidjan commencera « probablement début mai »

Shocking confession: “I haven’t Had Se.x In 10 Years

Shocking confession from the Nigerian actress Genevive Nnaji, who is said to be getting married soon. Our  reporter got into a steamy conversation with miss Nnaji where she revealed she haven’t had any se.xual pleasure for the past ten years and that is one of the major reasons she wants to settle down.

”I have been single for so long, it hasn’t been easy..even when dbanj came along with his thing that wasn’t long..he kept saying NO LONG THING..NO LONG THING..never that was he meant till i saw it,it was even shorter than his harmonica… We couldn’t settle down, luckily for me, I have found a man now to spend the rest of my life with”

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Didier Drogba 'devastated' by 'lies' amid allegations about his charity work


: Drogba has hit back

Didier Drogba has been left “heartbroken and devastated” by the slurs against his charity work.

Ivory Coast international Drogba, 38, says he deliberately put £3.7m of his own money up front first to help sick children in Africa so if it fails then he will lose out rather than the supporters of his Foundation.

Former Chelsea striker Drogba says his Foundation has already provided a mobile clinic, invested in orphanages, and funded the purchase of school bags, books and a dialysis machine.

Drogba denies any wrongdoing and says the “lies” surrounding his Foundation will put the health and welfare of children in danger.

Drogba said: “It’s the biggest challenge of my life, one of the hardest days of my life but it’s a fight I will win Drogba said: “It’s the biggest challenge of my life, one of the hardest days of my life but it’s a fight I will win.

Visiting Jules Vernes School

“They are targeting me for whatever reason but the sad truth is that these sort of lies will endanger the kids that I’m trying to help.

“My whole point is that I wanted to put my own money in first before anything from donors, sponsorship or anything we raised. That was if I fail, then I will fail, and no-one else. All my money I have put in has been from my personal sponsorship deals.

“The money is still there, it’s not been wasted, it hasn’t gone missing, we’ve actually been very careful to make sure the money goes to the right people, the right places and, above all, helps the children.”

Drogba set up the Foundation in 2007 to try and give something back to his native Ivory Coast after enduring a poor and tough upbringing.

His Foundation did set up a UK account which has laid on balls and fund raising events which is something Drogba insists is absolutely necessary to attract top celebrities and collect big money. It has been claimed more than £400,000 was spent on events.

But these events have raised nearly £2million, Drogba claims.

“We want to make sure the money goes to the right causes not just now but makes an impact for generations to come,” said Drogba.

“It is my passion to have an impact on my community, help the society I am from and make a difference for the children.

“These sort of wrong and damaging allegations can threaten and destroy lives as well as undo all of our work.

"I set up the charity in the Ivory Coast but when I was playing in England. We decided to do some fundraising there also. But the Foundation has always been and remains one entity.

“The balls and fund raising events are necessary, my team mates and others have been incredibly generous.

“Imagine how they feel when they see this. They know me, they know I am passionate about my charity work. But for sponsors who do not know me, this is incredibly damaging and wrong.
“The hardest and most heartbreak part of all is that it os wrong. When I grew up, I always told my mum that I wanted to be a doctor. I wanted to make a difference on children’s lives because I could see the poverty from where I came from.

“It was only because of my uncle who took me to Europe that I was able to become successful, play football, but my passion even then was not about money.

“I knew I had an opportunity to be successful, to be famous and recognisable across different Continents. It wasn’t about the fame but it did allow me to raise money, make a difference and that’s always been my goal.

“If it was purely for the fame or the money then I would just carry on playing and score goals. But there are more important things to achieve.

“What drives me is to help children, help their lives, their education and their health. I believe I can make a difference but things like these are designed to try and stop that. That is what hurts the most. It’s not me they are affecting, but the children.”

Natation: Hackett pincé le téton d'un homme dans un avion et s'excuse

Grant Hackett, le 3 avril 2015 à Sydney lors de son retour sur le 400 m nage libre

Le nageur Grant Hackett a présenté lundi des excuses pour son "mauvais comportement" en état d'ébriété après avoir pincé le téton d'un passager de l'avion qui le ramenait dimanche d'Adélaïde, où avaient eu lieu les sélections australiennes pour les jeux Oympiques de Rio.

"Je regrette sincèrement mon mauvais comportement", a déclaré l'ancien détenteur du record du monde du 1.500 m nage libre.

"J'ai fait des bêtises plus d'une fois et j'essaie de résoudre mes problèmes. C'est gênant de lire et d'entendre les conséquences de mes actes", a-t-il ajouté. "Je m'excuse sans réserve auprès du monsieur de cet avion".

La police fédérale australienne a confirmé qu'elle avait parlé avec un homme de 35 ans à l'aéroport de Melbourne mais qu'aucune charge n'avait été retenue contre lui.

D'après la presse, l'incident a éclaté lorsque le passager devant Hackett a incliné son siège. L'ancien champion olympique, en état d'ébriété des témoins, a alors "attrapé (le siège) et l'a remis en place", a décrit la victime au Herald Sun de Melbourne.

"Ensuite, il a passé sa main, attrapé mon torse et a tordu mon téton assez violemment", a rapporté l'homme dont l'identité n'a pas été révélée.

Fournis par AFP Grant Hackett, le 3 avril 2015 à Sydney, de retour dans les bassins après une retraite de sept ans

Hackett est l'une des stars de la natation australienne. Il avait pris sa retraite après les JO de Pékin en 2008 après avoir gagné l'or sur 1.500 m nage libre en 2000 et 2004.

Il a ensuite traversé un divorce compliqué et est parti en cure de désintoxication en 2014 pour une addiction aux somnifères.

Hackett était sorti de sa retraite avec l'espoir de devenir le nageur australien le plus âgé de l'histoire à se qualifier pour les Jeux. Il a échoué en ne se qualifiant pas pour la finale du 200 m nage libre à Adélaïde.

Les Predators à nouveau maîtres au domicile des Duck

© Radio-Canada Chris Carlson/AP Photo Les Predators à nouveau maîtres au domicile des Ducks

Les Predators de Nashville ont réussi l'improbable en retournant à la maison avec une avance de 2-0 dans leur série contre les Ducks.

Les hommes de Peter Laviolette ont remporté une victoire convaincante de 3-2, dimanche soir, au Honda Center d'Anaheim.

La franchise du Tennessee prend l'avance 2-0 dans une série pour la première fois de son histoire.

L'entraîneur victorieux insiste néanmoins sur l'importance de prendre les matchs un à la fois. « Ce n'est pas facile de gagner des matchs », a-t-il précisé. Les Ducks ont terminé là où ils ont terminé au classement pour une raison ».

Pekka Rinne a conclu la soirée avec 27 arrêts devant le filet des Predators. John Gibson a quant à lui cédé trois fois en 27 occasions dans la défaite.
Les Predators plus rapides

Le début du match appartenait pourtant aux Ducks. Les Californiens ont multiplié les tirs en direction de Rinne dans les premières minutes, sans toutefois parvenir à toucher la cible.

Les Ducks se sont inscrits les premiers au pointage à 14:20 du premier tiers. Suite à une bévue défensive de Shea Weber, Andrew Cogliano a filé seul devant Rinne avant de le déjouer entre les jambières.

Les Predators ont offert du jeu rapide en réponse. Colin Wilson a envoyé une passe précise à Mattias Ekholm dans l'enclave, qui a eu tôt fait de glisser la rondelle du revers derrière John Gibson.

« Nous savions qu'ils viendraient avec de l'émotion en début de match, a affirmé Laviolette. Ils ont dominé la première moitié de la période, mais je crois que nous sommes parvenus à reprendre le contrôle dans la deuxième demie ».

Craig Smith a procuré l'avance aux visiteurs en milieu de deuxième engagement. Le no 15 a accepté le disque de Filip Forsberg dans l'enclave pour marquer à la droite du gardien.

Shea Weber a doublé l'avance dans les dernières secondes de la période médiane. Durant l'attaque à cinq, le défenseur étoile a décoché un boulet qui a battu Gibson du côté du bâton.

Au retour du deuxième entracte, les Predators ont joué un jeu hermétique. Les locaux ont eu bien peu d'espace pour manœuvrer en zone offensive.

Nate Thompson a donné un second souffle aux Ducks avec moins de trois minutes à écouler. Son faible a dévié sur Roman Josi pour tromper le gardien des Predators et réduire l'écart à un but. Mais les hommes de Bruce Boudreau ne sont pas parvenus à menacer de nouveau le filet de Rinne.

Après le match, l'entraîneur des Ducks en avait long à dire au sujet de l'indiscipline de ses joueurs. Alors que le match progressait et que la frustration s'amplifiait, certains de ses joueurs ont notamment invectivé les officiels après une pénalité controversée.

« Nous avons mieux joué que lors du dernier match, mais nous avons été stupides », a-t-il dit au sujet de l'attitude de ses joueurs. « Nous ne méritons aucun répit si nous crions après les arbitres et agissons de façon idiote. »

Les deux équipes s'affrontent à Nashville pour le troisième match de la série, mardi soir.

Happy birthday to Nollywood Pioneer and Veteran Actor – Bob-Manuel Udokwu as he adds one year to his celebrated life today. He is a native of Ogidi in Anambra state and a graduate of Theatre Arts from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Bob-Manuel Udokwu is no doubt one of the pioneers of Nollywood. He came into limelight after featuring in the first Nollywood movie – Living in Bondage in 1991. He also featured in a popular TV series – Checkmate in 1993.

This talented actor has won many awards for his achievements in the industry. He has featured in over 80 movies and of his interesting movies include – Living in bondage, The key for happiness, Games women play, Mothering Sunday, Tears in marriage and many others.

He was once an achor of the popular reality show – Gulder Ultimate Search and he is one of the actors who joined politics. He is happily married to his lovely wife Casandra and they are blessed with 2 children.

Monday, April 18, 2016

on Friday Mangos taste so good that people forget they are also healthy ! Discover how the “ king of fruits ” can help you , plus why monkeys eat mango seeds and a few mango cautions and conc

10 Health Benefits of Mangos
1. Prevents Cancer :
Research has shown antioxidant compounds in mango fruit have been found to protect against colon , breast , leukemia and prostate cancers . These compounds include quercetin , isoquercitrin, astragalin, fisetin , gallic acid and methylgallat, as well as the abundant enzymes .
2. Lowers Ch *** sterol:
The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C help to lower serum ch ***sterol levels, specifically Low -Density Lipoprotein (the bad stuff ).
3. Clears the Skin :
Can be used both internally and externally for the skin . Mangos help clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples.
4. Eye Health:
One cup of sliced mangoes supplies 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which promotes good eyesight and prevents night blindness and dry eyes .
5. Alkalizes the Wh *** Body :
The tartaric acid, malic acid, and a trace of citric acid found in the fruit help to maintain the alkali reserve of the body .
6. May Help with Diabetes :
Mango leaves help normalize insulin levels in the blood . The traditional home remedy involves boiling leaves in water , soaking through the night and then consuming the filtered decoction in the morning. Mango fruit also has a relatively low glycemic index (41 - 60 ) so moderate quantities will not spike your sugar levels .
7. Improved Sex:
Mangos are a great source of vitamin E. Even though the popular connection between sex drive and vitamin E was originally created by a mistaken generalization on rat studies , further research has shown balanced proper amounts (from wh *** foods) does help .
8. Improves Digestion :
Papayas are not the only fruit that contain enzymes for breaking down protein. There are several fruits , including mangoes, which have this healthful quality . The fiber in mangos also helps digestion and elimination

the popular blogger Linda ikeji has taking her case with wizkid to the police her reasons of doing that more.

I'm sure many of you have read that the police is now involved in my issue with Wizkid. Yes, I reported his public threat to me two Sundays ago to the Lagos State Commissioner of Police and I want to explain why I did it! Please pay attention and keep an open mind.

I've read a lot online from people saying I don't like Wizkid. Even Wizkid himself thinks I don't like him. Why he or anyone would think so is puzzling to me to be honest. Apart from his achievements after he started insulting me online a few weeks ago...everything else, every success Wizkid has recorded in the last 3/4 years is on LIB. All the awards, all the record breaking feats, his sold out concerts, his foreign magazine features, and collaborations, everything that has built him up to the young man he is today is on LIB. Please verify! Search my blog. Please continue...

I was a huge Wizkid fan. The only song I danced harder to than his 'Dance For Me' track was Fuse ODG's 'Antenna and Kiss Daniel & DJ Shabzy's Raba. So, no, I had no dislike for Wizkid. But about a year ago, I noticed his indirect snide remarks at me...and when some other music star beefed with me, Wizkid showed his support and made disrespectful comments. That was when I noticed he had issues with me... but that didn't stop me from writing about him and celebrating him.

Now to the issue at hand. When I reported that he was served quit notice at his Lekki home, I stated fact and I didn't write it out of malice. It's not everyday you get exclusive stories...and I'm sure any other blogger who got the story first would also have published it. So, there was no beef, I was just doing my job. A day or so after I wrote this story, Wizkid went on my instagram page to call me names and lied that I slept with some director of his...which I have said before is 1000% lies! But the insult and lies is not why the police is now involved.

Here's the thing; You can insult me, insult my family, call me any names you like, even lie that I slept with your forefathers...but don't threaten me. If you threaten me, I will act!

I read people online saying that I reported to the police because I am scared of Wizkid. No, my darlings, I am not afraid of Wizkid. Though I do not take his threats lightly. I went to the authorities for two reasons...and please young boys of our generation, pay attention to what I am about to write below.

You see, violence against women and threat of violence against women is not okay. Threatening harm to someone in a public space is a criminal act in every country of the world, including Nigeria. I bet some of you didn't know that, yeah? You can not publicly threaten someone with harm. You will only get away with it if your victim doesn't report to the authorities. If they do, you will have a case with the police and I promise you, the police take these things seriously.

I reported this case to the authorities because I want our young men to know this is not okay. You should not raise your hands on a woman. You shouldn't even threaten to raise your hands on a woman. Wizkid wrote that he would send his 16 year old cousin to beat the shit out of me. Letting Wizkid get away with it is basically telling our young men that this is okay...and it's not!

After Wizkid made the threat to me, I saw a lot of teen boys hailing and applauding him. To them, this was okay. If their idol can threaten a woman with harm, and use derogatory words, they also can do it...and that's how the circle of abuse of women continues. Women being called 'smelly pussy' trended online for a day or two! Little boys were happy to use the words. Sad!

It is appalling to me that anyone, especially women, would cheer Wizkid on. When he wrote RIP Linda, I saw a few young girls write same, laughing. This is not a laughing matter. It doesn't matter whether you like me or not! This is not about Linda Ikeji. This is about abuse of women which has eaten deep into our society, so deep that it has now been accepted as normal. Men do it all the time and get away with it. So many women are battered by their husbands and they refuse to speak up because of the stigma. They refuse to seek help because they are afraid of what people will say. I am sorry, I am not one of those women. I refuse to be victimized. And as long as I have my voice and my platform, I will speak up.

We women have to come together to lend a strong voice to the plight of women in our continent. When we see a woman being physically and mentally abused, let's act. Let's speak up. Let's not laugh and say she deserves it. If we continue to keep quiet, the circle of abuse will continue. And one day, You, yes You, will find yourself in the receiving end of a thundering slap, followed by heavy blows. If not you, then maybe your daughter? Let's condemn violence and threat of violence against women! This is not acceptable!

Young men like Wizkid, a father of two young boys himself, should never advocate violence against women. One day, he will have a daughter, how would he feel if another male threatens to put hands on her or even calls her a hoe?

I can't count how many times Wizkid called me a hoe in his rant against me. That's what boys do. When they get into a fight with a woman, they try to slut-shame her. Smelly pussy, hoe, ashawo etc. You call a woman, who gave another young woman, whose real name she doesn't even know N500,000 just because she said she would rather work by carrying cement than prostitute herself, that's the person you call a hoe? When your mind is so warped you can't differentiate between a woman and a hoe, then this is what happens. Except you drive to Sanusi Fanfuwa at 2am to pick up a prostitute, who proudly describes herself as one, then you shouldn't call any woman a hoe.

Even Tupac who was a well known thug could differentiate between the types of women he dealt with. When asked in an interview why he called women bitches, he said people shouldn't confuse things, that he wouldn't address a mother or a sister the way he would address a bitch, that the bitches were the ones he dealt with in the clubs who behaved like one. He reiterated that he respected women!

In more civilized countries, Wizkid would have lost his endorsements and spent the next year or so apologizing and being in the fore-front of promoting anti-violence crusades against women. It took Chris Brown years to get back on his feet after his assault on a woman. Up till today, he doesn't have any major endorsements and some countries still deny him entrance into their country i.e Australia for something he did 7 years ago. Yes, violence against women is serious!

And there's the case of incitement. When you have power and influence, you have to be careful what you say in public. Because you have such power, something you say can influence your followers. A fan can commit acts that even you may not support or might not even condone. But because it came out of your mouth, they think you mean it. So it is irresponsible to say things that might be inciteful. In Law, you can be held responsible when people act based on what you said in public. Tupac was charged to court and indicted after some thugs killed a police officer. The thugs went to court and mentioned that their idol encouraged violence against LA police officers in a song where he said 'Drop a cop'. So, we folks with some measure of influence should be more careful with our utterances. People are watching and listening!

The second reason I filed a police report is to encourage other women in similar situations to do same. My dear ladies, if a man threatens to puts hands on you, and you feel the threat is real, report to the authorities. Don't wait until he does it. What if you don't survive it? If he's picked up and may be charged to court (yes, you can be charged to court for making's a misdemeanor with a prison sentence), then he will think twice before making threats against you in the future or any other woman for that matter.

I went as far as I did for me and for other women. This is to pass a strong message to our young men that these kinds of behaviour towards women will not be tolerated. Should not be tolerated. If you assault or even threaten to assault a woman, the law will come after you if she chooses not to be silent. Women, don't be silent. Let's break the circle. For your sake, for my sake, for the sake of our daughters, grand daughters, great grand daughters and all other women that will follow them.

And that's really all I have to say in the matter. Thank you guys for reading

And to Wizkid fans, please be rest assured that I wish him all the best in life. He will continue to grow from strength to strength (as long as he doesn't endorse violence against women) and his light will never diminish. God brought him to this level and will continue to keep him. I have nothing but love for his craft and hope that one day, we will put this behind us.
God bless him, me, you and everyone else in the world

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Rejoignez-nous le 7 mai pour discuter de justice et réconciliation en Côte d'Ivoire

Procèsde Laurent Gbagbo et Charles Blé Goudé à la Cour pénale internationale (CPI), enquêtes dans le camp Ouattara, procédures judiciaires nationales… Autant de sujets qui seront abordées avec vous, le samedi 7 mai prochain à Latrille Events aux II Plateaux dès 10h.

Organisé par Ivoire Justice et le Centre ESD avec le soutien d’OSIWA, cet évènement a pour but de faire réfléchir et d'aider à mieux comprendre les enjeux des affaires judicaires ivoiriennes en cours (et à venir) à Abidjan et à La Haye.

Des journalistes-reporters du procès Gbagbo/Blé Goudé, des experts de la justice internationale et des droits humains seront présents pour répondre à toutes vos interrogations et échanger avec l’ensemble des participants. Un atelier sera aussi organisé pour comprendre les différents points de vue sur ces questions, sources de tension et  de division, notamment celles autour du procès de l’ancien président de Côte d’Ivoire.

Ce rendez-vous est une occasion unique pour chacun de pouvoir exprimer son opinion, sans tabou, mais aussi d’apprendre des autres et acquérir les outils pour réfléchir avec intelligence. La vraie réconciliation passe aussi par-là !

Rendez-vous le 7 mai prochain à Latrille Events aux II Plateaux à 10h pour une journée sous le signe du partage, de l’échange et de la bonne humeur.

Merci de confirmer votre présence par e-mail à ou par téléphone au 58 43 28 97.


Ivoire Justice est une plateforme impartiale et indépendante d’information et de discussion sur les affaires ivoiriennes à la Cour pénale internationale et sur la réconciliation. Nous faisons partie de l’ONG néerlandaise RNW Media, une organisation internationale spécialisée dans le changement social et active dans les pays où la liberté d’expression est restreinte. En utilisant de façon innovante et responsable différents médias, Ivoire Justice met en avant des histoires personnelles aussi diverses que possible, cela pour réveiller les consciences et inviter nos lecteurs à réfléchir sur la justice et la réconciliation. Plus de 283 000 personnes nous suivent sur Facebook.

Le Centre d’Education pour une Société Durable (Centre ESD) est une organisation Ouest Africaine de documentation, de formations et d'actions en matière de promotion des droits humains et de la citoyenneté active, auprès des jeunes. Le Centre ESD vise par conséquent à développer l’esprit civique et les capacités des jeunes et à leur faire prendre conscience de leur rôle en tant qu’acteurs de changement social dans la construction d’une société plus Humaine et Durable.

Friday, April 15, 2016

My hubby goes to market omosexy more!!

My husband is the one who goes to market because of my status - Omotola Ekeinde.
Omotola Ekeinde popularly known as Omosexy is currently being bashed out by fans on social media because of an interview where she disclosed her husband goes to market on her behalf.
Omosexy revealed that because of her status, she can't go to the market but her Hubby does.
In her words:
"Let me tell you something more, my husband is actually the one who goes to the market. I don't go to the market because i can't. Because of my status."
What words do you have for Omosexy and her hubby?
No Comments

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Why Men Love Breasts -- It's Science!

It turns out that a man's obsession with large breasts isn't as creepy as some people say. Hey, give them a break! It's just evolution's way of making sure they find a good mating partner (and have fun finding her). You do want the human race to survive, don't you?

Pre-teen girls and women past menopause have one thing in common when it comes to breasts. They both have little or no firm or full breast tissue. A woman's bust is a strong indicator of whether or not she's the right age to have children. You might want to check her ID though.
Since humans are one of the very rare animals that have sex face-to-face, men have had more opportunities to admire a female's breasts during sex. Over time, breasts became associated with sex itself. And we all know men love that. Back when our ancestors lived in caves and had little access to food, a woman with more fat on her body was more likely to successfully carry out a pregnancy.

had more energy to pass on to her baby. So women with more fat reserves became more attractive. And since breasts are primarily made of fat, and are also a good symbol of the ability to store fat, they can grab the attention of any old caveman.
No matter where you are in the world there is one thing for certain, men love a woman with an hourglass figure. T
his is because women with this body shape are less likely to get a variety of diseases. And you can't get that classic curve without the top part of the hourglass Men love busty women, sure.

But breasts are not loved in the same way across the world. There are cultural differences. "In some African cultures, for example, women don't cover their breasts, and men don't seem to find them so, shall we say, titillating." says anthropologist Fran Mascia-Lees.. When a woman is at her prime, her most fertile, her breasts will usually become larger and firmer.

So think of large breasts as a natural fake out. Men will instinctively gravitate towards a voluptuous woman because she appears to be more fertile. Professor Larry Young, along with other scientists, argue that when men pay special attention to a woman's breasts the hormone oxytocin is released in the woman. Oxytocin is known as the "bonding chemical". It was widely known that babies released this bonding chemical during breast feeding, but now we also see that women release it too-- with or without a baby.

The stimulation kicks starts the instinct to begin mothering an infant. So it's no wonder why a man would naturally be drawn to this According to Dr. Helen Fisher, "As men fondle women's breasts oxytocin is released in her brain, triggering feeling of attachment and focusing her on his face, smell, voice". This strengthens her desire to bond with her male partner. In a sense, it's just another way for men to make themselves more attractive to women.. It's not just bonding that goes on when women's breasts are stimulated. It's also arousal, plain and simple.

According to Live Science, "Recent studies have found that nipple stimulation enhances sexual arousal in the great majority of women, and it activates the same brain areas as vaginal and clitoral stimulation." So she's aroused, he's aroused, everybody's happy. Thanks, boobs! It's not just bonding that goes on when women's breasts are stimulated. It's also arousal, plain and simple. A
ccording to Live Science, "Recent studies have found that nipple stimulation enhances sexual arousal in the great majority of women, and it activates the same brain areas as vaginal and clitoral stimulation." So she's aroused, he's aroused, everybody's happy. Thanks, boobs!

Braquage au port: 3 blessés par balle

Attaque à main armé 3 personnes blessé au niveau du port de treichville non loin de la sitarail dans la zone du port de treichville
Les braqueurs ont blessé 3 innocentes personnes en tirant.La gendarmerie et Le CCDO sont sur place.

Restez connectés!! nous nous renseignons pour vous!

Wizkid to perform with Mariah Carey, Kendrick Lamar at the 2016 Essence Festival

Wizkid. Nigerian superstar, Wizkid continues his quest for international recognition. Just days after he featured on Drake‘s latest single ‘One Dance’, a song which made it to number 2 on iTunes USA and number 1 in several countries, organisers of Essence Festival announces Wizkid as part of the headliners for the festival billed to hold in New Orleans, Louisiana between June 30 and July 3, 2016.

Wizkid will be performing alongside international stars like Mariah Carey, Maxwell, Kendrick Lamar and several other artistes. The pop star became the first Nigerian artist to emerge on Billboard’s Twitter Last 24 hours chart courtesy of his feature in Drake’s ‘One dance ‘ song.

the former plantation boys 2face blackface and faze reconcile by chief Ateka Tom more.

The long awaited peace talk among members of former boyband Plantation Boys, 2face, Blackface and Faze was broken by High chief Ateka Tom in his house in Okrika, Rivers state yesterday.

Blackface, who recently accused 2face of stealing his music agreed to put a stop to the accusations, and all three agreed to put their misunderstanding behind them and move forward. They were seen laughing, shaking hands and drinking together. See more photos after the cut…


- MY CHILDHOOD; MY MANHOOD; MY PROSTATE.. MUST READ!! Ladies and Gentlemen I am here to share with you this vital information on Prostate. The topic is misleading. Is prostate strictly for men? Yes, ONLY men have prostate and ONLY men over 40years but the healthcare enlightenment is for everyone. There is no woman who does not know a man 40 years and above – father, uncle, brother, son, friend, neighbor, colleague … Essentially what I will be doing today is health promotion. Responsible health promotion must provide three things: 1. Information 2. Reassurance 3. A plan of action. Let me start with a background on prostate health. Everyone has a pair of kidneys. The job of the kidney is to remove waste. It is the LAWMA (waste management company) of your body. Everyday your blood passes through the kidney several times to be filtered. As the blood is filtered, urine is formed and stored in a temporary storage tank called the urinary bladder. If there were to be no urinary bladder, as a man walks on the road, urine will be dropping. Now think of the plumbing work in your house. Think of the urinary bladder as the overhead storage tank. From the storage tank, a good plumber will run pipes to other parts of the house, including the kitchen. God in His wisdom ran pipes from our urinary bladder to the tip of the penis. The pipe is called the urethra. Just below the bladder and surrounding the urethra is a little organ called the prostate gland. The prostate gland is the size of a walnut and weighs about 20grams. Its job is to make the seminal fluid which is stored in the seminal vesicle. During sexual intercourse, seminal fluid comes down the urethra and mixes with the sperms produced in the testicles to form the semen. So semen technically is not sperm. It is sperm seminal fluid. The seminal fluid lubricates the sperm. After age 40, for reasons that may be hormonal, the prostate gland begins to enlarge. From 20 grams it may grow to almost 100 grams. As it enlarges, it squeezes the urethra and the man begins to notice changes in the way he urinate. If you have a son under 10, if he has a little mischief like we all did at that age, when he comes out to urinate, he can target the ceiling and the jet will hit target. Call his father to do same, wahala dey. His urine stream is weak, cannot travel a long distance and sometimes may come straight down on his legs. So he may need to stand in awkward position to urinate. Not many men will be worried their urine stream cannot hit the ceiling. Toilets are on the floor and not on the ceiling. But other symptoms begin to show. TERMINAL DRIPPLING: The man begins to notice that after urinating and repacking, urine still drops on his pants. This is the reason why after an older man urinates, he has to ring bell. A younger man simply delivers to the last drop and walks away. Just see an older man coming from the bathroom. Sometimes he may clutch the newspaper closely to hide the urine stains, particularly on plain colored trousers. H

  At this point you wait longer for the urine flow to start. There are 2 valves that must open for you to urinate – the internal and external sphincters. Both open but because of obstructions in the urethra, you wait long for the flow to start. INCOMPLETE EMPTYING You have this feeling immediately after urinating that there is still something left. As all these things happen, the bladder begins to work harder to compensate for the obstruction in the urethra. The frequency of urination goes up. Urgency sets in. sometimes you have to practically run into the toilet. Nocturia also becomes common. You wake up more than 2 times at night to urinate. Your wife begins to complain. Men being men may not talk to anyone even at this point. Then the more serious complications start. Stored urine gets infected and there may be burning sensation when urinating. Stored urine forms crystals. Crystals come together to form stone either in the bladder or in the kidney. Stones may block the urethra. Chronic urinary retention sets in. The bladder stores more and more urine. The size of the bladder is 40 - 60 cl. A bottle of coke is 50cl. As the bladder stores more urine it can enlarge up to 300cl. An overfilled bladder may leak and this leads to wetting / urinary incontinence. Also the volume may put pressure on the kidney and may lead to kidney damage. What may likely bring the man to hospital is acute urinary retention. He wakes up one day and he is not able to pass urine. Everything I have described above is associated with prostate enlargement, technically called benign prostate hyperplasia. There are other diseases of the prostate like: 1. Prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate 2. Prostate cancer – cancer of the prostate. This discussion is on prostate enlargement. I have bad news and good news. The bad news is that everyman will have prostate enlargement if he lives long enough. The good news is that there are life style changes that can help the man after 40 to maintain optimum prostate health. Nutrition Look at what you eat. 33% of all cancers, according to the US National Cancer Institute is related to what we eat. Red meat everyday triples your chances of prostate disease. Milk everyday doubles your risk. Not taking fruits / vegetables daily quadruples your risk. Tomatoes are very good for men. If that is the only thing your wife can present in the evening, eat it with joy. It has loads of lycopene. Lycopene is the most potent natural antioxidant. Foods that are rich in zinc are also good for men. We recommend pumpkin seeds (ugbogulu). Zinc is about the most essential element for male sexuality and fertility. Men need more zinc than women. Every time a man ejaculates he loses 15mg of zinc. Zinc is also important for alcohol metabolism. Your liver needs zinc to metabolize alcohol

 ION As men begin to have urinary symptoms associated with prostate enlargement, it is important they look at alcohol consumption. More fluid in means more fluid out. Drink less. Drink slowly. EXERCISE Exercise helps build the muscle tone. Every man should exercise. Men over 40 should avoid high impact exercise like jogging. It puts pressure on the knees. Cycling is bad news for the prostate. We recommend brisk walking. SITTING When we sit, two-third of our weight rests on the pelvic bones. Men who sit longer are more prone to prostate symptoms. Do not sit for long hours. Walk around as often as you can. Sit on comfortable chairs. We recommend a divided saddle chair if you must sit long hours. DRESSING Men should avoid tight underwear. It impacts circulation around the groin and heats it up a bit. While the physiological temperature is 37 degrees, the groin has an optimal temperature of about 33 degrees. Pant is a no - no for men. Wear boxers. Wear breathable clothing. SMOKING Avoid smoking. It affects blood vessels and impact circulation around the groin. SEX Regular sex is good for the prostate. Celibates are more prone to prostate illness. While celibacy is a moral decision, it is not a biological adaptation. Your prostate gland is designed to empty its contents regularly.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Jennifer Lopez Looks Gorgeous In Sparkly Dress At ‘American Idol’ Finale

JLO always dazzles with her amazing outfits at events, and her finale look to American Idol final was no exception.

 Jennifer Lopez, 46, made another fashion statement at FOX’s American Idol finale yesterday, Thursday, April 7, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California.

 While people are used to seeing the judge show some skin, for this event, she hit the red carpet in a sparkly, champagne exquisite Elie Madi frock with long sleeves and a high-low hem that extended into a major train. From the dramatic train that flowed around her to the sparkling embellishments that glowed as they caught the flicker of the light, JLo looked really stunning.

She completed her looks with strappy Christian Louboutin heels which were the perfect statement to tie the entire outfit together as she wore Royal earrings and a Le Vian ring, adding a little extra bling to the look. Check out her different red carpet poses:

Kenzo Cash money : le Boss d’Aréel production s’est marié

Bonne nouvelle pour le patron de la structure de production Aréel. Kenzo bien connu sous le nom de Cash Money. L’heureuse élue est la dénommée Cynthia. Le mariage s’est déroulé ce jeudi en toute discrétion à la mairie pour finir avec un diner à l’hôtel Ivoire.

Tyga : il fait vivre un enfer à son ex Blac Chyna !

Selon le site TMZ, contrairement à ce qu’il a avancé, Tyga serait en réalité vert de rage suite à l’annonce des fiançailles de la mère de son fils. E

n début de semaine, le couple Blac Chyna/Rob Kardashian annonçait son mariage moins de trois après avoir officialisé leur relation en janvier dernier.

C’est sur les réseaux sociaux, terrain de jeu préféré de ChyRo, qu’ils ont dévoilé la nouvelle.

Sur Instagram, Blac Chyna s’est prise en photo avec un énorme diamant au doigt, tandis que des vidéos circulaient de Rob Kardashian essuyant ses larmes.

 Si le clan Kardashian ne s’est pas encore exprimé sur cette annonce, les proches de Blac Chyna se sont montrés très heureux pour elle. Sur Twitter, son ex Tyga avait même affirmé être content pour elle.

« Si la mère de mon fils est heureuse alors je suis heureux » avait-il déclaré dans un tweet. Mais selon une source qui s’est confié au site américain TMZ, le rappeur a vraisemblablement très mal pris la nouvelle. Il serait même en mission « pour détruire sa vie ».

Tyga aurait fait une demande pour obtenir la garde exclusive de leur enfant King Cairo et refuserait de communiquer avec Blac Chyna. Depuis plusieurs semaines, les deux n’échangerait que par e-mails ou à travers la nourrice de leur fils. Le petit ami de Kylie Jenner et ses amis auraient commencé à mener une campagne de diffamation contre Blac Chyna la qualifiant d’alcoolique, de mauvaise mère et de garce.

 Alors que Tyga souhaitait que son enfant reste en dehors de ses histoires, il semblerait que la guerre soit déclarée et que le petit King Cairo est à la fois son arme et une victime collatérale.

Kim Kardashian : les internautes l’incendient à cause des cheveux de North West !

Sur les réseaux sociaux, les internautes se sont dits choqués de voir North West, la fille de Kanye West et Kim Kardashian avec des cheveux beaucoup plus longs que d’habitude. Les cheveux de North West restent un éternel sujet de dispute…

 Il y a quelques mois, c’est son chignon tiré qui était à l’origine de dispute entre Kanye et Kim Kardashian. Selon une source, Kim n’était pas fan des cheveux naturellement bouclés de sa fille et l’obligeait donc à porter ses cheveux coiffés en queue de cheval.

 Si Kanye et Kim ont eu du mal à se mettre d’accord sur la coiffure de leur fille, cette fois-ci, ce sont les fans qui s’en mêlent ! Parties skier à Vail dans le Colorado, les Kardashian font encore parler d’elles ! Après avoir publié des clichés de North West, sur lesquels on aperçoit la fillette de deux ans avec des extensions capillaires, certains fans n’ont pas hésité à commenter le choix de leur idole

. La coiffure préférée des Kardashian, qui, pour rappel, ne l’ont pas inventée, soulève donc une nouvelle polémique : Kim Kardashian est-elle allée trop loin ? 3 » Mon dieu, mais pourquoi lui as-tu mis des extensions ?

Nollywood actor Mike Ezuruonye congratulated his sister. more.

Mike Ezuruonye wishes his Sister CHIKA a wonderful traditional marriage. Nollywood Star Actor - Mike Ezuruonye, who is who is happily married with a son is wishing his dear sister Chika who just got married a happy married life.

This is what he said when he shared this photo of himself and his sister:

"Here's wishing my own sister CHIKA a wonderful Traditional Wedding..You know I've always been proud of you...And as u make this life step,I say"GOD BLESS your MARRIAGE "dear😘😘😘😘😘🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻" - Mike Ezuruonye said Congrats to Chika! Wishing her a blissful marriage life!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Tyga il réagit a l'annonce du mariage de blanc chyna ,,,,, pls

Tyga : il réagit à l’annonce du mariage de Blac Chyna Par L.N.

 6 avril 2016 Quelques heures après l’annonce officielle du mariage de Blac Chyna et Rob Kardashian, tous les regards étaient braqués sur Tyga et il a répondu avec beaucoup de sagesse. Ce mardi 5 avril, Blac Chyna et Rob Kardashian ont fait une annonce plus le moins surprenante.

Quelques mois seulement après avoir révélé être en couple, le petit frère de Kim Kardashian et la meilleure amie de Kim Kardashian vont se marier ! C’est à travers une photo postée sur Instagram que la jeune femme a rendu l’info publique. Assise sur les genoux de son futur mari, elle laissait apparaître à son doigt une bague sertie d’un énorme diamant.

 Sur les réseaux, les réactions ne se sont pas fait attendre mais c’est surtout celles du clan Kardashian que les internautes attendaient. Si pour le moment, ni Kris Jenner ni les soeurs de Rob ne se sont manifestées, Tyga, l’extra de Blac Chyna actuellement en couple avec Kylie Jenner, la soeur de Rob, s’est exprimé.

Le rappeur n’a visiblement aucun problème avec ce mariage mais il souhaite tout de même une chose : que les critiques laissent son enfant en dehors de toutes ces histoires :

Aki and paw paw 1 separated !!! ooo my ooo myyy more.

Aki and Paw Paw 1

They took the industry by storm and were so close ,many thought they were related..However, Osita Iheme(Paw Paw)) and Chinedu Ikedieze(Aki) soon grew apart,even stopped living together.

It was more noticeable after Chinedu (Aki) got married..In an interview with Nigerian Tribune, he explains why .

“There was no clash between us. Then, the owner of the property wanted to use it, so we both had to vacate the apartment. The truth must be told, we cannot live together forever. We are adults and someday we would get married. We are not same twins, I am from Abia and he is from Imo.

It’s just that we are good friends. It is not bad we go our separate ways, though; we are not far from each other”

Friday, April 1, 2016

Kandy west n'est pas lé père de north west >>>>plus

Sur Facebook, Reggie Bush, l’ex de Kim Kardashian, a décidé de faire une révélation choc ! Le couple Kanye West – Kim Kardashian semblait aller pour le mieux. Mais il faut croire qu’à Hollywood, les célébrités ont un don pour sauver les apparences.

 Parents de deux beaux enfants, Kanye et Kim forment la famille parfaite et pourtant une terrible annonce vient de mettre une ombre à ce beau tableau. C’est l’ex de Kim Kardashian, le joueur de football américain Reggie Bush qui vient de lâcher l’info.

Ce dernier actuellement en couple et papa d’une petite fille ne pouvait plus supporter le poids de ce terrible secret : Kanye West n’est pas le père de North ! C’est sur compte Instagram que le sportif a tout balancé. Juste avant que les choses ne deviennent réellement sérieuses avec Kanye, Kim le fréquentait encore. Quand elle est tombée enceinte, il était persuadé qu’elle ferait son mea culpa et qu’elle dirait enfin la vérité à son mari.

« Je veux juste qu’on soit une famille », écrit Reggie, « Briseis et North sont des soeurs et je veux qu’elles grandissent ensemble. Je ne veux pas qu’elles découvrent ce secret de famille quand nous, leurs parents, serons sur nos lits de mort » Briseis est l’enfant que Reggie a eu avec sa compagne Lilit Avagyan qui est elle aussi d’origine arménienne comme les Kardashian.

Les deux fillettes âgées de deux ans sont nées en 2013, à un mois d’écart. Découvrez le post Facebook de Reggie :

Paris lance «Nage Lib'» pParis lance «Nage Lib'» pour ceux qui veulent nager dans le plus simple appareil

De plus en plus de piscines s'ouvrent aux personnes dans le plus simple appareil. Ici une compétition entre naturistes à Mulhouse, en octobre 2014. AFP PHOTO / SEBASTIEN BOZON

Nager tout nu à la piscine est désormais possible grâce à « Nage Lib’ » lancée par la mairie de Paris. Avec cette opération, les bassins de la capitale ouvrent leurs portes aux nudistes et aux curieux. L’inauguration a eu lieu jeudi dans une piscine du XVe arrondissement.
 Ils sont plusieurs dizaines à être venus barboter dans le plus simple appareil, avec pour seul effet la clef du vestiaire nouée à la cheville, au bras, ou ailleurs. En fond sonore, la célèbre Lambada ambiance tous les baigneurs. Parmi eux, le présentateur Patrick Sébastien enchaîne plongeons et longueurs. « C’est génial ! » s’exclame-t-il visiblement très à l’aise. « Ça me rappelle mes vacances dans le sud, cet été au Cap d’Agde. Mais là je suis à Paris. C’est génial ! »
Se baigner nu, le concept surprend certains nageurs venus se détendre après une journée de travail. D’abord un peu déboussolés, ils ont vite ôté le maillot de bain après une ou deux coupes de champagne.

 « Ce n'est pas bobo »

Présente à l’inauguration, Anne Hidalgo confesse avoir eu un peu de mal à convaincre le Conseil de Paris. La maire a elle aussi joué le jeu en répondant aux journalistes en serviette de bain : « Il y a une dimension de convivialité très importante avec Nage Lib’. Et ce n’est pas bobo vous savez, ça joue un rôle important dans le vivre ensemble. » Le directeur de l’établissement, Jean-Paul Rigoude, se dit « un peu surpris de voir Madame la Maire comme ça »,

mais approuve le concept. Il précise : « On a quand même dû réduire la quantité de chlore dans l’eau pour ne pas trop irriter les zones sensibles des nageurs et augmenter un peu le chauffage extérieur. » Malgré ces ajustements techniques, cette première de l’opération Nage Lib’ est incontestablement un succès. Anne Hidalgo pense d’ailleurs étendre dès cet été le concept au métro avec l’opération « Si t’as trop chaud, enlève le haut ! ».