Hey Lovelies
have you ever stress ate? Am quite sure a large number of us have actually done this after a stressful and tiring day at work. Now you know what am talking about, but the terrible thing about eating when you are anxious or stress eating is that you may feel good at that moment but depending on what you et (like junks) this may not be entirely good for your health.
Below are some food that would actually calm your nerves and that are actually good for you;
Oat Meal
There’s no doubt that oatmeal is very healthy, this has been spoken about in many articles and dietricians have also recommended it as a healthy breakfast meal but maybe you didn’t know that oatmeal actually helps and this is because it contains serotonin
Avocado is used for almost everything because its rich in everything so you would be right to refer to it as the gift that keeps giving and this delicious gift has vitamin which helps to relieve stress.
Many people do not like spinach (me included) but its time that we realize that we need to load up this vegetable in our diet because it contains magnesium which regulates our cortisol level.
Now this is the vitamin power house which is really good for warding off and reducing cold but I bet you didn’t know that this amazing fruit also helps to lower cortisol levels and blood pressure.
Okay, now if you’ve ever eating a lot of turkey before you might have realized that you were a bit drowsy, you might not have attributed it to this delicious bird but well you need to know that Turkey contains an amino acid called tryptophan which releases serotonin to the brain which makes you feel so calm and a bit drowsyMost people don’t love vegetables but you need to know that asparagus is packed with folic acid which keeps you keel even when tensions are running astray
Yes milk is great for your teeth, bones and muscles and of cause it contains the vitamins B2 and B12 and a large dose of protein so this cool beverage relaxes you sustainable and quickly too.This are the 7 foods that can calm anxiety, so next time you are agitated and stressed out, this should be the food you should chow down. Lots More on Diets
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